Presented by a plant breeder, meet the Mass Metal Halide Bulb for Flowering and Full Cycle.

A sun-like, full white light spectrum
Enjoy a thriving garden with optimized genetic expression and efficient nutrient uptake under a wide range of garden conditions.
High intensity output for professional yields
Extremely bright, our lamp is competitive with the best in the world. Produces massive yields, mind-blowing quality, and superior plant health.
Better flavors, potency, and medicine
Our lamps can produce the highest quality indoor medicinal flower, with additional metabolites produced, as well as extend shelf life on properly cured flowers, raising the value of your harvest.
Improved Genetic Expression
The Mass Metal Halide promotes full genetic expressions (terpenes, cannabinoids, etc.) that are not produced in the same plants when flowered under LED, HPS, or CMH due to light spectrum differences. In our lab tests, many flavors and medicinal compounds were only present indoors when flowered under Metal Halide.
These same expressions can also be brought out by natural sunlight. We believe it to be the truest full expression of the plants. We want to help bring that indoors!
For example, our Star Pupil clone flowered under a Metal Halide (MH) lamp produces additional rare cannabinoids, CBL and CBC, and additional terpenes Geraniol, Guaiol, Cymene, and Eucalyptol, none of which were present at all when flowered with HPS, LED, or even CMH!
Plant Health:
Our MH lighting technology can help keep plants in a superior, thriving state of health, while utilizing lower amounts of nutrients and resources. Mother plant genetics can be rejuvenated and kept in great condition with our lamp, even on decades-old cuttings. Plants often pray soon after they are exposed to our light!
Learn More:
Explore our entire website for a deep dive into learning about our technology! We have tons of information on our site that the larger light companies are afraid to explore. Our FAQ page includes many clickable links to scientific papers and articles of interest. We explain it all from simple to advanced and hope to share useful information on every level, whether you are a casual grower, commercial operator, or even a huge light nerd like us!
If you're interested in experiencing the best possible connoisseur and medicinal quality of your flowers, purchase a bulb and try one out for yourself!
Our bulb is available online now! Worldwide shipping available!
Click here to order yours today!
Commercial grow inquiries click here to email us